

The Third Way Mind philosophy is an amalgamation of Indigenous and ancient wisdom, spiritual teachings, and advanced science that allows you to navigate any transition in life with peace of mind, flow, and confidence.

We cultivate ecosystems that expand our capacity for profound transformation and sustained vitality.

Origin Story

Passage was birthed from the realization that modern society is largely bereft of a cultural and practical support system for transformation, vitality, spiritual attunement, and community. 

Conversely, members of Indigenous tribes benefit from the infrastructure of wisdom, guidance, rites of passage, ongoing integration practices, and overall interdependence of their family and community.

In modern society, we are left to recreate this ecosystem the best we can.

Passage is a result of our desire to help steward these elements with integrity and devotion, as a way of honoring our ancestors and weaving their wisdom into our present and future.

Why Work

with Us?

Here are some of the most common reasons Practitioners, Leaders, and Changemakers choose to partner with Passage.

  • Fortify the integrity of the transformation container.

  • Gain confidence and expand capabilities from training and guidance.

  • Activate the full potency of the transformation experience.

  • Assure your community that their journey is supported by the guidance of the passage Collective.

  • Reduce the risks of harm and protect the safety of your community.

  • Cultivate rite relationship with Plant Medicine and Indigenous Ways.

  • Support from a community of other devoted facilitators of transformation.

Explore Third Way Mind philosophy

Change and transition are part of our everyday lives, from the experiences we seek out to the ones that simply happen to us.

Our responses to those moments often define who we are and how we feel about our lives. 

Every transition or challenge we encounter presents an opportunity to heal, expand, and transform into a new way of being. 

Our Transformation Ecosystem provides access to the full potency of what is available in any transformation opportunity.



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Third Way

Third Way Mind is a devotional practice of perceiving challenges or conflict as opportunities for self-actualization, transcendence, and harmony. It is a way of existing in a state of open, flowing presence and attuning to a higher possibility in each moment, transcending all circumstances. 

It represents a commitment to nonviolence and patient acceptance of what arises while strategically accounting for all possibilities. This is not a passive stance, but a transcendent way of engaging challenges and maintaining a presence where divinely inspired action naturally emerges.

Passage is grounded in the Third Way. Our trainings, guidance, and experiences are upheld and informed by this philosophy and agreement. It represents our way of being, and the foundation of all of our teachings.

Within the interplay of contrasting forces, we discover otherwise unavailable opportunities for higher intelligence and harmonious paradigms aligned with love. Third Way Mind cultivates equanimity amidst difficulties and a grateful orientation to life's unfolding. 

Third Way Mind calls us to pause time, breathe, transcend fear-based reactivity, and attune to a higher frequency of consciousness. From this elevated vantage, we can hold the tensions of paradoxical opposites without struggle, allowing divine wisdom to guide the way. 

Purpose & Mission

We are devoted to actualizing these core initiatives.

  • Unify the worlds of Eastern and Western Medicine, Science, and Indigenous and Ancestral Wisdom to support transformation and self-actualization. 

  • Provide an ecosystem of guidance, experiences, tools, processes, and training for practitioners and organizations facilitating passage into a new, integrated way of being. 

  • Activate the potency and possibility of the self-actualization journey.   

  • Cultivate right relationship with Plant Medicine and Indigenous Culture and Ways.



Bridging Worlds

We’ve worked for decades to cultivate deep relationships with Indigenous Elders and Wisdom Keepers. Their wisdom and guidance led to the birth of Passage and they continue to serve as the guidepost of our ongoing evolution.

In collaboration with our Elders, Wisdom Keepers, and communities, our role is to serve as a bridge to the wisdom and ways of the Indigenous world and cultivate ecosystems for integrating them into your life.

Mitakuye oyasin.

Right Relationship 

We help seekers and practitioners attune to Ancestral and Indigenous perspectives around Plant Medicine, Rites of Passage, and Transformation.

Together, we are weaving these vital elements into modern society to cultivate right relationship and harmony with the natural world.

We are devoted to the mending of humanity’s connection to Source, that all sentient beings require to be in harmonic resonance with nature and in right relationship with the whole.